Dr. Thomas Tesche
Managing Director
Thomas Tesche holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken, majoring in business taxation (Prof. Dr. Kußmaul), auditing (Prof. Dr. Küting) and banking (Prof. Dr. Bieg).
After completing his studies, he worked for 5 years as a research assistant at the Center for Accounting and Auditing at the University of Saarland, particularly in the area of accounting-related consultancy, as well as (co-)authoring numerous publications dealing with accounting issues. He obtained his doctorate with Prof. Küting on the subject of leasing accounting in accordance with IFRS 16.
Dr. Tesche joined DORNBACH GMBH in Saarbrücken in March 2012. Dr. Tesche passed the Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) examination in 2012. Dr. Tesche has been an authorised representative at DORNBACH VALUATION GMBH since 1st January 2015. He has been the managing director of DORNBACH VALUATION GMBH since 2018.
Dr. Tesche publishes specialist articles on the subject of valuation and (international) accounting. He also comments as a co-author in the "Accounting" comment of Kirsch (ed.) section 308 of the HGB and in "eKomm BilR" by Kirsch (ed.) sections 308 and 315 of the HGB. He is also a speaker in the Haufe Lounge - Bilanzrecht im Gespräch (Haufe lounge - discussion about accounting law).
The main focus of his activities is on transaction consultancy, particularly the areas of due diligence and business valuation as well as the valuation of intangible assets. He particularly looks after clients in the energy supply, banking and e-commerce sectors. Because of his main focus, the valuation of intangible assets, he is also involved in looking after technology-intensive (start-up) companies.
- Business valuation
- Purchase price allocation
- Valuation of intangible assets
- M & A advice
Industry sectors
- Banks and financial service providers
- Energy industry
- Technology-intensive (start-up) companies
Secretary's office Sarah Heim
Phone +49 (0) 681 8 91 97 - 53
Fax +49 (0) 681 8 91 97 - 17
E-mail sheim@dornbach.de