Dr. h. c. Armin Pfirmann
Tax Advisor, Managing Partner
After studying Business Administration, he was a research associate at the chair of general business administration, particularly business taxation, of Prof. dr. Dr. hc. mult. G. Wöhe at the University of Saarland.
From 1993 to 2002 head of the tax department of an international consulting company in Saarbrücken. Since 1 May 2002 managing partner and head of the tax department at DORNBACH GMBH in Coblenz.
Since 1 January 2003, head of the DORNBACH Saarbrücken branch.
Expert and industry experience
- Advising medium-sized family businesses nationally and internationally
- Property and business succession nationally and internationally
- Corporate transactions and corporate restructuring
- Lecturer at the chair of general business administration, particularly business taxation (Prof. Dr. Heinz Kußmaul) at the University of Saarland
- Lecturer at the Chair of General business administration, in particular Auditing (Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Küting, successor to Prof. Dr. Michael Olbrich) at the University of Saarland
- Co-author of the "Handbuch der Rechnungslegung - Einzelabschluss" (Financial Reporting Handbook - Separate Financial Statement), comment on the balancing
- and auditing of Küting / Pfizer / Weber (Hrsg) Sections 324 and 324a of the Commercial Code (HGB)
- Member of the DIHK Finance and Tax Committee
- Member of the state tax committee of the Rhineland-Palatinate chambers of industry and commerce
- Member of the tax law expert committee of the Saarland tax consultant chamber
- Deputy member of the audit committee for tax consultants of the Saarland tax consultant chamber
- Speaker for various institutions, including the institute of auditors, EUROFORUM, the Saarland tax consultant chamber, the ADG, the Saarland association of savings banks, various credit institutes and IHK's
Industry sectors
Secretary's office Maria Walter
Phone +49 (0) 681 8 91 97 - 40
Fax +49 (0) 681 8 91 97 - 17
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